
Georgiou, Eleana (2019): The multidimensional self and its interplay with emotion processing across the life span. Open Access Repositorium der Universität Ulm und Technischen Hochschule Ulm. Dissertation.

Georgiou, E., Mai, S., Fernandez, K. & Pollatos, O. (2018). I see neither your fear nor your sadness-Interoception in adolescents. Consciousness and Cognition, (60), 52-61.

Georgiou, E., Mai, S., & Pollatos, O. (2016). Describe your Feelings: Body Illusion related to alexithymia in adolescence. Frontiers in Psychology,7,1690.

Georgiou, E.,Matthias, E., Kobel, S., Kettner, S., Dreyhaupt, J., Steinacker, J. M., Pollatos, O. (2015). Interaction of physical activity and interoception in children. Frontiers in Psychology 6, 502.

Mai, S., Wong, C. K., Georgiou, E., & Pollatos, O. (2018). Interoception is associated with heartbeat-evoked brain potentials (HEPs) in adolescents. Biological Psychology, 137, 24-33.

Pollatos, O. & Georgiou, E. (2016). Normal Interoceptive Accuracy in women with Bulimia Nervosa. Psychiatry Research, 240, 328-332.

Pollatos, O., Georgiou, E., Kobel, S., Schreiber, A., Dreyhaupt, J., & Steinacker, J. M. (2020). Trait-Based Emotional Intelligence, Body Image Dissatisfaction, and HRQoL in Children. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 10, 973.

Rapp L, Mai-Lippold SA, Georgiou E, Pollatos O. Elevated EEG heartbeat-evoked potentials in adolescents with more ADHD symptoms. Biol Psychol. 2023 Sep 28;184:108698.

Dr. Eleana Georgiou

approbierte psychologische Psychotherapeutin

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